Mold Remediation Workshop

by Serum Products / Frank Kinmonth

Serum is the recognized leader in Hydrogen Peroxide cleaning technology for the remediation industry. Learn how to maximize your results and significantly reduce costs through the use of the Serum System!  The workshop will include an introduction to mold remediation and other cleaning processes utilizing the Serum System, featuring the New Mini Serum Sprayer.  Attendees will see a demonstration of the product applications and the new Serum Mini Sprayer.  Learn the benefits of Oxidation Chemistry with the “Eliminator Mini Soft Wash Spray System and become a Certified Serum Contractor!


Product discounts and promotions will be available during the class. 

Dates:  April 22nd (Columbia, SC)  /  April 23rd (Charlotte, NC) 

Time:  8:30am – 12:30

Cost:  $0  (Must Pre-register, Free Lunch Included)